Hey Goddess ✨


Tap into Infinite Possibilities, 

Connect with the wisdom, guidance, and healing held in your Records, 

And make 2024 the year you have multiple "OMG is this my life, I'm insanely grateful" moments! 


Money flowing in, 

Transforming people's lives through your message, and healing gifts, 

Having clarity on the steps to take that will open doors of opportunity! 


Boldly showing up, being visible, and shining in your truth! 


💛 Imagine being clear of old programming that keeps you stuck in unwanted cycles of confusion, playing small, or simply repeating the same lessons when you're so, SO ready to move forward! 


💛 Imagine being free from any beliefs that block you from recognizing your full creative potential and easily turning desires into a lived reality! 


💛 Magnetic to a future that is filled with nourishing connections, 

soul expanding opportunities, 

true wealth {on all levels}, 

and all the things that light you up about this earthy experience! 

 This is exactly what I'll be supporting you with in my upcoming online workshop: 


Journey into the Akashic Realm:
Guided Activations, Clearings & Energy Practices to Manifest
Your Best Year Yet! 

Immerse yourself in a magical experience where you'll tap into the infinite wisdom of the Akashic Records,

the cosmic library of all knowledge and possibilities.
Discover the power within you as you learn ancient techniques to access this ethereal realm and turn your desires into a lived experience. 

This  online workshop will empower you to create your best year yet! 

Through guided meditations, energy healing, and transformative exercises, you'll gain the tools and insights needed to manifest wealth, big impact, freedom, and soulful success in 2024!

You'll be guided through powerful clearings to release beliefs and programming that is no longer useful, 

no longer of service to your highest path. 

Turning the lessons of 2023 into deep wisdom, while leaving behind unwanted cycles. 

Are you ready to tap into the limitless power of the universe and manifest your most soul nourishing, lit up from the inside out, truly abundant yet yet? 

Join me Here!

Accessing Your Akashic Records Connects you to Your Journey of the Soul. 

Your unique Energetic blueprint, soul gifts, & codes of abundance, healing and wisdom! 


The Akashic field exists beyond the limitations of time and space.

It is a higher level of consciousness  that holds pure potential and possibility.

Accessing this realm has supported me greatly in creating a multiple 6 figure business. 

It has supported me in activating my spiritual gifts, and gaining clarity on my soul's path this lifetime. 

It's helped me deepen my understanding of higher realms of consciousness and has been a way to connect with my spirit team {angels, guides, loved ones, ascended masters, ancestors}. 

It's elevated my manifesting by activating my unique soul gifts, helping me raise my vibration, and learn how to align with the frequency of what I desire! 

The Records have a way of aligning you with your highest path! 

These activations, clearings, and energy work are the perfect way to bring closure to 2023, 

So you step into a new energy of creation in 2024. 

Taking what has served you, 

leaving behind what no longer has a place for you 

Join me!


🌟 Powerful Akashic Activations, Clearings and Energy practices to Manifest Your Most Soul Expanding, Abundant Year Yet! 

🌟 Immediate access to the video when you signup 

🌟 Sit back, relax, and allow me to guide you into your Akashic Records and clear from your body and energy field what no longer has a place in 2024! Take the wisdom, leave the density and outdated patterns behind 

🌟 Be guided through soul transforming activations so 2024 is your year of, "OMG is this my life, I'm insanely grateful"  moments. 


Journey into the Akashic Realm:

Guided Activations, Clearings, and Energy Practices to Manifest
Your Best Year Yet 🎉


Meet Your Akashic Guide

Kara Melendy has supported thousands of lightworkers in elevating their life and business by tapping into Cosmic Intelligence.

She is a Master Astrologer, Akashic Records Practitioner, thriving spiritual business owner,  and has a Master’s Degree in Psychology. 

She combines wisdom from each of these modalities into her work. 

She loves supporting lightworkers in creating soulful strategies for business expansion based on their unique blueprint for success.

Kara is passionate about welcoming in a new paradigm of business and leadership rooted in collaboration, pleasure, and feminine energetics. 

She is on a mission to raise the vibration of the planet through supporting more Healers, Lightworkers & Starseeds in confidently sharing their healing gifts and message with the planet!

We are rising together!