Global Mentor to Spiritual Leaders & Lightworkers


Kara Melendy has supported thousands of women in manifesting their dream life and business by tapping into Cosmic Intelligence. 


She loves to combine spirituality and energy work, with practical strategies to help big-hearted, soul driven women to create six figure businesses.


Passionate about welcoming in a new paradigm of business based on collaboration, pleasure, win-win situations, and feminine flow.


She is on a mission to raise the vibration of the planet through spreading love & light and supporting more soul led entrepreneurs in rising above their fears, and confidently sharing their soul’s magic with the world!

Can you relate?...

 You know your soul incarnated at this time for a specific reason

You have a special message and mission to share with the world.

If you’re anything like me, you’re an empath, highly sensitive, always had an interest in the spirit realm. 

Knew deep in your heart that you chose to be here. 

And then there’s that other part…

the inner voice that say’s “I’m not good enough” 

That causes you to shrink, hide, dim your light…

second guess whether you can be a wealthy spiritual leader who is making an incredible impact in the world. 

I'm here to remind you that YES YOU CAN and in fact your soul chose it. You are here to do big things and it's time to get your healing gifts and message in front of the people who need it most!

The time has come to release the old energetic programs (on a deep cellular level) that keep you from doing your soul’s work. 

I will guide you in aligning to your soul gifts. 

To discover the joy of co-creating magic with the universe. 

It’s time to step into your Goddess power and shine! 

You know you’re here to do really big things. 

To heal the planet. 

To raise the vibration. 

So don’t put this soul calling off a second longer. 

It’s time to step up, share your gifts, and earn abundantly for your work in the world 

If this is speaking to your heart, let's connect!

Setup a Complimentary Goddess Call


AND I have a free gift to share with you on Soul Aligned Business Expansion ✨


Grab it below!

Grab your FREE GIFT here!